So … here I am … finally at the place where I just need to share with you on a more personal level as opposed to just building my site with information pertinent to Portal Hypertension (PH). So with a sense of expectation and a wee bit of trepidation I now begin the voyage to just journal my thoughts in light of my underlying health issues.
To begin I must say that the greatest challenge I face on almost a daily basis is the fact I have to endure severe pain in the lower part of my bowel. The pain is caused by constriction of the arteries in the bowel due to the clots, and because the pain is vascular in nature, it is very hard to control at times. With the pain, I sometimes get discouraged when I can’t seem to bring it under control with pain medications such as Codeine or the occasional Tylenol.
The pain keeps me up on many a night, so I get extremely tired at times, but I am grateful I can at least rest during the day if need be. Sometimes the only other reprieve from pain is to apply heat in the form of a hot water bottle, heating pad, or sometimes to just soak in a warm bath helps to lessen the pain.
As mentioned above, coupled with the pain I sometimes experience occasional bouts of discouragement. It is those times, which thankfully are rare, I have to stop and catch myself and think that things could always be worse. That being said, my heart sincerely goes out to any of you who have gone through some of the more serious side effects of PH and the discouragement that may accompany it.
For the good days, which thankfully are still prevalent in my case, I take refuge in the fact that God has given me peace and an optimism that carries me through. As for you … I hope and yes pray that you too will find the answer’s you need to combat the challenges you face. May I again remind you that you are not alone?
God willing … until next time,Clint
This is a great article to get an understanding of what your journey is…walking along side as a fellow sufferer…I pray for all PH/PVT sufferers – that we may all find our own strength and faith.
Claire, AUS
Thanks Claire – have benefited greatly from your dialogue and understanding! Blessings to you always!