Much has been written in the past few years concerning blood clots and travelling or the development of such which are mostly associated with long periods of immobility. For several months I have given much thought about writing a post on the subject, but could never find a specific correlation to Portal Hypertension, except to say that when one has been diagnosed with a clotting disorder, it should heighten awareness for any potential related incidents. The other reason for writing on this topic, is the fact that I unfortunately learned about an old high school friend that had passed away within the last year from a clot that apparently had developed in his leg, which may have started because he travelled extensively, and for long periods of time.
When I initially began to think about writing an article on this subject, I quickly discovered that many sites and materials had very much the same information throughout. Because of my association with Clot Connect® ( based out of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and their willingness to allow me to utilize their material on my blog, I am directing you to the following article recently posted on their site which I feel covers the subject extensively and more effectively than I could.
Personal Health Update: Although I still struggle with intermittent pain and fatigue from the meds, there is thankfully a level of stability which I have enjoyed for quite some time now. Besides bi-monthly iron infusions, I have 2 specialist appointments upcoming this summer, where I hope to get some clarification on some related issues. One of the issues is a topic for another post, which I hope to report to you in a few short months. Until then…keep looking up!