Recently, I’ve been experimenting with the health benefits of Peppermint Oil for treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and related digestive problems. Due to almost daily intestinal pain originating from the clots, I thought it would be worth a try to see if I could curtail thedaily pain and discomfort experienced through natural means.
The health benefits of peppermint oil include its ability to not only treat digestive problems, bowel spasms and pain, but is apparently good for respiratory problems, headache, nausea, and fever. Peppermint is a cross between spearmint and water mint and is known as one of the oldest medicines in the world. Most people know about peppermint as a flavoring agent, and it is one of the most palatable oils on the market today. Peppermint oil contains minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium, folate, potassium, copper, manganese, and magnesium. Also contains vitamin A and vitamin C, plus omega-3 fatty acids.
I have only known one other person who takes Oil of Peppermint in capsule form for IBS, and he claims it has improved his quality of life significantly. Although his cause was not associated with Portal Hypertension, like myself he had onslaughts of irregularity at the most inconvenient times. After talking with him I had looked into purchasing some Peppermint Oil in capsule form several month’s ago, but due to prior financial commitments which were health related at the time, I forfeited the option as the cost was more than we could bear.
However, a few weeks ago I was at a local farmer’s market in my area, and there was a vendor who was selling all sorts of essential aromatherapy oils used for the treatment of a variety of ailments, and I became convinced that I needed to investigate the option again. As it turns out I was able to purchase from this gentleman the actual Oil in it’s most concentrated form for a relatively low cost.
Peppermint oil has a muscle relaxing property which has been found to ease irritable bowel syndrome. Validation for this theory has been completed through scientific research, but the exact mechanism is not known. Further benefits of peppermint oil are also being studied for its antispasmodic properties. The presence of calcium antagonism in peppermint oil is believed to be the ingredient within that helps to relieve pain. Because peppermint oil is cooling in nature it can help to reduce fever. The list of benefits is large, but for the specifics of portal hypertension and it’s related side effects I have only mentioned what is pertinent to the condition.
On a daily basis I add 1 drop of peppermint oil and 1 teaspoon of unpasteurized honey to a lukewarm glass of water. I have been doing this for a little over a week now, and the pain seems to have lessened to some degree. The verdict is still 0ut though as to how long this will help me because of the root cause of my issues? If you have experienced success with Peppermint Oil or any other herbal or natural remedy, I would love to hear about it.
Until next time …